Breast lift

Breast Lift

Breast lift is an aesthetic surgery surgery involving women of all ages. The skin in the chest area is tense enough in relation to other parts of the body. The causes are many, as it may be due to the large size of the breasts, weight variation, age, and pregnancy. In several of these cases the skin drops enough and thus loses its shape. With breast lift, we help the breast regain the vigorous look and give a more sophisticated shape without changing its volume. The process of breast lift is quite different from the augmentation one, despite the fact that several people confuse interventions.

Breast Lift – Procedure

Breast plastic aims to transport the nipple and breast to a higher point, as well as removing unnecessary skin. In addition, the gland is redistributed in order to stand up. After removing the excess skin, what is left is much stiffer with the ability to hold the breasts in a new position. During surgery the plastic surgeon proceeds to incisions at some points of the breast. The size of the cuts naturally depends on the size of the patient’s drop. The post-operative signs from the incisions also depend directly on the size of the surgery and the healing capacity of each organism. So the marks can be not visible, or minimum visible depending on the circumstance. Staying in the clinic is usually unnecessary, since we rarely recommend staying overnight. After surgery, you can return to your daily routine and work within a week at most.

After surgery

The effect of breast lift is immediately visible after surgery. After a while there is a retreat of the postoperative edema and the marks from the incisions fade. In addition, breast position and shape continues to improve continuously. The final picture and results come just a few months after breast lift and complete patient satisfaction.

Breast Lift & Pregnancy

Breast lift as well as breast augmentation should be done after childbirth. The reason is that changes in breasts during pregnancy and during breastfeeding can significantly affect the appearance and reduce the extent of the effects of surgery. Also, weight gain during pregnancy and reduction then affects the appearance of the breast.

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