Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is considered to be one of the most common procedures of plastic surgery across the globe. It has beneficial effects on the psyche of a woman and enhances self-esteem and self-confidence. The problem is mainly encountered in young women who have a very small breast. We see that the phenomenon causes a strong feeling of inferiority.

The implants

The silicone implants that we use have the shape and feel of a real breast. Their composition varies, since you can choose between a silicone shell that also contains a silicone gel or a silicone shell containing saline.

Who is concern?

Yet another important use of silicone inserts is reconstructive surgery involving women who have mastectomy due to breast cancer. Breast plastic surgery can also be done in cases where there is a significant reduction in the breast due to a great weight loss or childbirth. The last surgery can be combined with a breast lift to achieve a perfect result.

Breast size

The size of the silicone inserts plays a very important role in the outcome of the surgery. So it’s important to tell the plastic surgeon and discuss with him what your expectations are and the size you want. The choice of final size should result from the combination of your desire and the objective opinion of your plastic surgeon. This will ensure that your chest will have a harmonious effect and will be harmonious with the rest of the body.

The surgery

Breast augmentation surgery with silicone inserts occurs after general anaesthesia. The duration of the surgery lasts approximately 1.5 hours, and the overnight stay in the clinic is not necessary. The results of the surgery are immediately visible and the final result takes a few weeks. Women who choose breast augmentation for aesthetic reasons have the ability to breastfeed and gesture without any problems.

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